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Thursday, April 26, 2007

*- Humphs! `
Source-Based Question Workshop!
Sucks mans!
Boring can?!
I just simply slept through that two days of workshop.
Nothing went into my mind & I have learnt nothing, honestly.

Tomorrow? Finally..
I have been waiting long for this day to come yeahs.
No matter what, I'm going to give my very best shot!
It will be rather special one this year.
As we performing both in parade & concert.
It will be my very last performance in school.
I will miss those time I spent during band practices & etc.
After tomorrow, hopefully I will be as free as a bird. >.<
Perhaps, everything will just change after tomorrow.
I don't know~
Anyway, all the best for tomorrow performance!
Best of luck, NorthView! :)

Got to stay back for Chemistry Session tomorrow after Speech Day. =.="
Six more days to Mid-Year Examinations, alrights?
After that O level Chinese Exam will begin.
Isn't time flies fast? :X

Am I really ready for Mid-Year;Chinese O level;O levels?
Honestly, I'm NOT at all.
I was sleeping through in school everyday.
I wasn't able to help myself through.
I'm lacking of so much things.
There were people who tell me not to waste my time & quit school now.
There were people who tell me to move on & not to give up & continue to work hard.
Yes, I admit that both of these were running wild in my mind every now and then.
Well, I just requested to drop AMaths yesterday, though I have already pay up for my O levels' fees.
Mdm Lee & Mr. Chia agreed, but still waiting the approval from Mdm Koh.
Hopefully, she will allow. :)
Back to that, I'm not blaming anyone for anything now.
I blamed myself for being a failure in everything.
I blamed myself for being so weak & unable to stay strong & move on.
I'm getting really tired of everything.
Just let it be then. :S
//I Still Love You\\


Saturday, April 21, 2007






Friday, April 20, 2007

*- Realization `
It's an Friday's night again. *11:47 PM*
It's a very lonely night.
Just few more minutes to twelve. =.=''
Today was feeling rather upset.
I don't know what happen to me, I'm just feeling very down.
I'm afraid I would collapse soon.
This few months were really tough for me.
I'm overwhelmed with so much things.
So many events going on at the same time.
SYF-Band ; Speech Day ; Academic-tests.
I can't even manage and balance my time properly.
Perhaps, that's one of the reason that ruin my happiness.
Luckily, after Speech Day, we will be stepping down.
Wows! I'm looking forwards for that day to come. >.<
Well, everything will be over soon.
Just few more days to go and I will be free as compared to the past.
I just hope that I will be able to spend more time on my studies, friendship and perhaps, my relationship. =X
Guess it will be a very lonely weekends again.
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Failure. =(

I realised that it's my stubbornness that ruins my happiness.
It's my commitment to other things that ruins my happiness.
And that will be my consequences of my choice.
My life isn't great now.
Laughters ;
Joys ;
Smiles are all gone.
I do hope everything will change after 27th APRIL 2007..
I love you, still.
Waiting is tough, but letting go is even tougher.
And lastly...


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

*- Disappointments `
Firstly, our school concert band gets nothing for SYF.
We all tried our best and gets nothing in return.
We disappointed teachers and as well as Mdm Koh and Mr Yeo.
But I believe this will not affect any of us in the upcoming Speech Day.
Though we gets nothing, we really learnt many things within this period of time whereby we all struggled through obstacles one followed by another.
Those friendship bonds we made were really precious yeahs!
Come on!
NothView's Concert Band, JIAYOU! :)

Arghs!!! >.<
Mid-Year-Examinations are just around the corners.
Just three more weeks to go alrights.
And 'O' Levels Chinese Paper is just almost one month to go!
As usual, I haven't started any of my revisions yet.
Past few months were rather busy with SYF.
Well, I got to buck up and really study hard for it.
JIAYOU everyone! :D

Well, I'm feeling much more better as compared to previous days.
Though I'm yet to fully recovered, I will try my very best to stay strong.
'Recovered' doesn't mean I will let go everything.
I'm not going to let go, okays.
Within this limited period of time given, I will try my best and changed.
I will love him silently, giving him the support silently.
Hopefully, I will get pay off by my effort. :X
I still love you &&& will continue to love you.
I'm waiting...


Sunday, April 15, 2007

*- Black & White Vision `

It's a Sunday's morning again.
See how time flies.
TEN days passed.
And yet I'm still feeling so upset ; hurt ; disappointed ; lost ; scared ; helpless...
Perhaps, this time I really broke the record of mine.
Tearing for more than a week continuously.
I'm really feared that many things I thought will happen.
I really can't take it.
My mind is in a whirl every now and then.
Everything were left behind for me take it by myself.
Yes, people may think it's time to let go everything.
But do your think I want to be landed in this situation?
It's always easier to say than to do it, okays?
I'm in a situation whereby I can neither let go nor move on.
Nobody will be able to help me.
So much things happened, how much time do I need?
Will it takes me forever?
I wanted to give up on everything, but I know that will be the last thing I would ever do.

It will be my Concert Band SYF.
I'm feeling so nervous.
I believe everyone participating will be as nervous as me.
We have work together for so many months and the day has come.
Of course, during this period of time, disagreements and quarrels get into our way too.
And through those unhappiness, we have learnt many things from it.
Come on!
It will just to tomorrow.
Let's us give our best shot!
Good luck!

My leg muscle tore again!
My leg was stuck in a position for two hours in the middle of the night.
And now my leg is damn pain.
I can't really walk.
And SYF is just tomorrow.
I believe nobody will read my blog and will care...


Friday, April 13, 2007



Thursday, April 12, 2007

Twelveth Of April.

" Life was rather terrible.
History are repeating itself once again.
Nobody could understand my feelings.
I was living on this Earth aimlessly day after day.
You was once my everything.
Everything I had once was lost.
I lost it and there is no way that I can get it back.
I cried silently every night.
But everything was really far too late to backtrack anymore.
I wasn't able to face the reality myself.
Yes, I admit that I was in fault.
You was hurt by me and I disappointed you numerous times.
I regretted.
I took you for granted time after time.
You wanted me to change, and I promised you eventually.
I tried my best ability to get you back.
What should be done, I have already done.
What should be said, I have already said.
And yet I can't get you back no matter what.

I felt really, really helpless at this point of time.
I tried to embrace my fear and stay strong time after time.
I failed again.
Only if I were given another chance, I will really promise to treasure it.
Perhaps, this is the time when we both really need to calm ourselves down.
And if we still have that chance, we shall see how bahs.
I just hope you will really study hard for your upcoming exams.
And please, take care.
I still love you. "


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